It's a scrap from a trial piece of linen worked almost two years ago when I first stumbled onto the notion of slow cloth (which I first mentioned at the end of this post). It didn't take long for me to discover Jude Hill after that ... and all the Kindred Spirits began to appear after I took her interactive class Considering Weave.
The little blue stem outside my window on this mid-winter day is the only tall grass left, the others having fallen to ground and the Texas wintergrass not yet more than promising mounds of green. The blue stem isn't actually blue at this time of year ... having dried to a rusty red, it will continue to stand tall until next year's crop overtakes it. Wondrous stuff!
On another note, I've been meaning to mention that the daily patches aren't the only projects I'm playing with. I've been adding Kantha to Land of Flood and Drought ...
And then taking it out again ... two steps forward, one step back. More on that tomorrow as it's now too dark to get a good picture of where things are headed.
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